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Active Ingredient: 500g/kg pirimicarb
Chemical Group: CARBAMATE
Formulation: Water dispersible granule
Piritek is a fast acting aphicide with contact, translaminar and fumigant activity – especially during warm weather. It is selective to aphids and does not harm many beneficial insects. Importantly, it is effective against aphids that have become resistant to organo-phosphates (OP’s) or synthetic pyrethroids (SP’s).
Piritek is a GROUP 1 INSECTICIDE and is a member of the carbamate chemical group. Resistance to this insecticide could develop from excessive use. To minimise this risk use strictly in accordance with the label instructions and resistance management strategies that exist for any pest listed on the label. Piritek should be used in a programme that incorporates insecticides with different modes of action to that of GROUP 1 INSECTICIDES. Refer to the NZCPR website: ( for more detailed information.
GENERAL INFORMATION: PIRITEK is a fast-acting contact insecticide which is partially systemic and has strong fumigant action within the crop. It is effective on most aphid species in a wide range of agricultural and horticultural crops and active on strains of aphids resistant to organophosphate insecticides. Aphids controlled by PIRITEK at recommended rates include: Black Bean Aphid, Blue Green Lucerne Aphid, Cabbage Aphid, Cereal Aphid, Grain Aphid, Rose-Grain Aphid, Green Peach Aphid, Pea Aphid, Potato Aphid and Rose Aphid.
It is an offence to use this product on animals.
DIRECTIONS FOR USE TIME OF APPLICATION: Apply PIRITEK when aphids appear and repeat applications as required for crop hygiene and protection. It is recommended that vegetation growing on the crop perimeter be inspected regularly and if necessary treated to reduce the risk of crop reinfestation.