Mixing: Half fill the spray tank and, with agitation running, add the required amount of Cytec 900WG. Continue filling spray tank with water and add the herbicide partner when the tank is three-quarters full. Complete filling the spray tank with agitation running.
Lentils: Apply 1.7 – 2.2 kg/ha in 200-300 litres of water. Apply immediately after sowing. Use the higher rate where high populations of Willow weed or other polygonum weeds are present.
Caution: Do not apply when soil conditions are dry. Do not apply to poorly worked seed beds where large clods are present as these may protect germinating seedlings from treatment. Avoid overlapping of spray treatment as crop injury may result.
Lucerne: Use 1.1 – 1.7 kg/ha in 200-300 litres of water. Apply in mixture with paraquat at the recommended rate. Use the higher recommended rate of both products when weeds are past the seedling stage or when the application is made after the end of June. Use the higher rate of Cytec 900WG on soils high in clay and/or organic matter content.
Apply to closely grazed stands in the winter when Lucerne is dormant and after weeds have been allowed to freshen up. Do not apply when foliage is frosted or when the ground conditions are excessively wet.
Caution: Do not apply to young stands of Lucerne until plants have developed a crown.
Maize and Sweetcorn: Apply 1.1 – 1.7kg/ha in 200-300 litres of water. For annual grass weed control, apply as a tank mix with a suitable pre-emergence grass herbicide (e.g. alachlor) at the recommended rate. Apply to a firm, fine seedbed immediately after sowing. The seed bed should be free of trash and clods. 10-20mm of rain or irrigation is required within 7 days for optimum results. If rain is not expected within 3 days, a light incorporation with chain harrows or similar implement should be carried out after spraying.
Peas: Apply 1.1 – 1.7 kg/ha in 300 litres of water. Treatment should be applied at weed emergence but not before the crop is more than 50mm high. If treatment is delayed and weeds have developed past the 4 true leaf stage, apply 1.4 – 1.7kg/ha Cytec 900WG plus 1.0 – 1.4 litres of MCPB per hectare. This mixture will improve control of advanced Fathen and of Wireweed. Best results will be obtained when Cytec 900WG is applied under moist soil conditions. Caution: Do not apply under dry soil conditions. Do not apply to peas grown on light sandy soils or peaty soil types nor to crops that are under stress or diseased. Do not apply to peas that are wet from rain, drizzle or dew as leaf scorch can occur. Do not apply within 7 days before or after rolling of the emerged crop. Cloddy seed beds will reduce effectiveness of treatment because some emerged weeds will be protected from treatment by clods.
Onions: Use 250g/ha Cytec 900WG with 450ml/ha ioxynil (24% a.i.), once onions have 2 true leaves. Repeat applications at 7-10 day intervals as necessary. Spray at low pressure in a minimum of 300 litres water per hectare. Avoid drift. Do not add any surfactants.
Mixtures with ioxynil enhance the foliage uptake for better contact weed control and give a wider spectrum of activity. Weed control is best on small weeds. Repeat applications with the lower dose of ioxynil are recommended.
WARNING: Some crop damage (such as burning, twisting and distortion of young leaves) is likely to occur in the first
days following application.
- Rainfall is required shortly after application to obtain residual control.
- Cytec 900WG works best on fast growing weeds under warm conditions with good soil moisture.
- Allow 3-4 days to elapse after spraying Cytec 900WG before applying other pesticides as the adjuvants in these materials may re-activate the Cytec 900WG and could cause damage to the crop.
- Do not apply more than 1.2 kg/ha of Cytec 900WG per crop per year in onions.
Sprayer cleanup: To avoid injury to subsequently sprayed sensitive crops, thoroughly flush the sprayer with a suitable spray tank cleaner and rinse sprayer with clean water.
Compatibility: Compatible with paraquat, MCPB, ioxynil. Cytec 900WG should not be mixed with any other herbicide on onions unless a test area has been sprayed prior to large scale use to check for adverse results.
Withholding Period: Do not apply later than 4 weeks before harvest of onions.
Resistant Weeds Warning:
Cytec 900WG is a member of the triazine group of herbicides. Naturally occurring biotypes resistant to triazine herbicides are known to exist. These resistant weeds will not be controlled by Cytec 900WG or other triazine herbicides. To prevent or delay the development of resistant weeds use Cytec 900WG in tank mixes (if appropriate)
and/or rotations with herbicides having different modes of action effective on the same weed species. Since the
occurrence of resistant weeds is difficult to detect prior to use, Adria New Zealand Limited accepts no liability for any losses that may result from the failure of Cytec 900WG to control resistant weeds.
Registered pursuant to the ACVM Act 1997, Approval No. P7745