5L & 20L Vivendi 300


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For the control of certain difficult-to-control broadleaf weeds

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Active Ingredient: 300g/litre clopyralid

Chemical Group: Substitute pyridine

Formulation: Soluble Concentrate

Vivendi 300 is a high-quality clopyralid-based formulation, which controls many difficult-to- control perennial weeds, including:

  • Mayweed
  • Californian thistle
  • Yarrow
  • Volunteer clover
  • Annual and biennial thistles
  • Bathurst bur
  • Many other broadleaf weeds

Vivendi 300 selectively controls many weeds in:

  • Pasture
  • Cereals, fodder brassicas and maize
  • Forestry, shelter and ornamental trees
  • Orchards – pipfruit, stonefruit and citrus

Once absorbed, Vivendi 300 is highly mobile in the sap stream, with plant death occurring within a few weeks.

Directions for Use: Vivendi 300 herbicide is a selective to a wide range of crops except legumes and compositae (daisy family). It is compatible with most commonly used herbicides. VIVENDI 300 is damaging to clovers. At 100ml/ha clovers in pasture may be severely suppressed for 2-6 months. Above 100ml/ha clovers may be removed from sward.

Compatibility: VIVENDI 300 herbicide is compatible with most commonly used herbicides and cereal fungicides/insecticides.


VIVENDI 300 herbicide is selective to a wide range of crops except legumes and compositae (daisy family). It is compatible with most commonly used herbicides. VIVENDI 300 is damaging to clovers. At 100 ml/ha clovers in pasture may be severely suppressed for 2-6 months. Above 100 ml/ha clovers may be removed from the sward.

ASPARAGUS: (Established beds only) To control Californian thistle, yarrow, clover and thistles.

Pre-cutting: Apply 0.5 – 1 litre/ha to within 3 days of cutting. During cutting: Apply 0.5 litre/ha. Do not cut within 3 days of treatment.

Post-harvest: Apply 0.5 – 1 litre/ha over spears. Use directed application if spears are opening or ferns are present.

CAUTION: Some damage may occur if treatment is made over open spears or mature fronds.

BEETS: FODDER AND SUGAR BEETS: Apply 0.5 – 1 litre/ha for the control of Californian thistle and yarrow. Apply after the 2 true leaf stage of the crop and before bulbous root formation.

FIELD BRASSICAS: Apply 0.5 – 1 litre/ha for control of Californian and other thistles and yarrow. Apply after the 2 true leaf stage of the crop and before it closes over.

CEREALS: Apply 0.3–1.0 litre/ha for the control of Californian thistle and yarrow and 1 litre/ha for control of volunteer potatoes. Apply after the 2 true leaf stage of crop and before the 2 node stage. For volunteer potatoes apply after full potato emergence but before tuber formation. To improve the spectrum of weeds controlled, VIVENDI 300 may be tankmixed with MCPA or other cereal herbicides, and should be applied at the timing recommended for these herbicides.

CAUTION: Do not use straw from VIVENDI 300 herbicide treated crops for compost or mulch.

COMPATIBILITY: VIVENDI 300 herbicide is compatible with most commonly used herbicides and cereal fungicides/insecticides.

CONSERVATION TILLAGE: VIVENDI 300 herbicide controls a range of hard-to-control weeds such as clovers, Californian and other thistles, plantains and yarrow in conservation tillage programmes (minimum tillage or direct drilling).



Clovers, narrow-leaved plantain, thistles 0.5 – 0.7 For best results apply to actively growing weeds.
Californian thistle 1 Apply from rosette to early flower. Retreatment may be required.
Yarrow 1 Apply to actively growing yarrow, autumn to spring. For best results surface cultivate no less than one week after treatment.

For broad spectrum weed control in conservation tillage programmes, VIVENDI 300 may be mixed with other herbicides such as paraquat (20% ai) or glyphosate (36% ai). Observe the directions and recommendations stated on the individual labels, when such products are used with VIVENDI 300 in tank mixtures.

CROP ESTABLISHMENT: Brassicas, cereal and ryegrass crops may be drilled any time after application of VIVENDI 300 herbicide.

CAUTION: Do not plant susceptible crops (clover, peas, beans, potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, cucurbits) within 12 weeks of applying up to 0.5 litres/ha of VIVENDI 300 herbicide. Where more than 0.5 litres/ha is applied do not plant susceptible crops within 6-12 months of treatment without sowing a small area first to check soil residues.

FORESTRY: (Radiata pine) Apply 10 litres/ha in mixture with triclopyr 600g a.i. herbicide at 1 litre/ha to release trees from gorse, broom and wattles. Add a suitable organosilicone penetrant to improve weed control. Temporary light tree damage in the form of distortion may occur particularly where trees are well above competing weeds. To suppress weeds and allow the trees to compete, apply to gorse and broom after flowering and during soft spring growth. Best results are obtained from treating gorse up to 1 metre high. For the control of wattle best results are achieved from treating actively growing plants less than 2 metres tall. Good control of Acacia dealbata (silver wattle) and Albizia lophantha (brush wattle) is achieved. Acacia decurrens (green wattle) is not controlled.

SPOT TREATMENT: Hand gun: Use VIVENDI 300 herbicide at 500 ml/100 litres of water applied to full coverage through a No. 6-8 tip at 1000-2500 kPa. Add an organosilicone penetrant to improve weed control.

Mistblower: Use VIVENDI 300 herbicide at 40 ml/litre of water. For ULV attachment use 200 ml/litre of water using the No. 3 or 4 hole. Add an organosilicone penetrant to improve weed control.

MAIZE AND SWEETCORN: Apply 0.5 – 1 litre/ha for the control of Californian thistle, yarrow and Bathurst bur, and 1 litre/ha for the control of volunteer potatoes. Apply after the maize or sweetcorn reaches the 3 leaf expanded stage but before crop closure. For volunteer potatoes apply after full potato emergence but before tuber formation.

ORCHARDS: To control susceptible broadleaf weeds in mature pipfruit, stonefruit and citrus orchards, apply VIVENDI 300 herbicide at the recommended rates in the preflower or early postflower period. Direct spray to minimise contact with trees.

SHELTER AND ORNAMENTALTREES: Apply 1-2 litres/ha as a directed spray. Use rates as for amenity areas. Shelter trees such as conifers, willows, poplars, Casuarina, Cryptomeria and Eucalyptus are tolerant. Many other trees and shrubs are also tolerant. Consult your distributor for advice. Do not apply to legumes or Compositae.

MIXING: VIVENDI 300 herbicide mixes readily with water. Pour the measured quantity of VIVENDI 300 into the partly filled spray tank and add the remainder of the water. Agitate well during filling.


Aerial: Use 200-400 litres of water per hectare. Apply with a calibrated aircraft using the half overlap opposite pass flying techniques.

Boom:VIVENDI 300 herbicide can be applied with conventional, correctly calibrated boom application equipment. Use up to 300 litres of water per hectare. Flush equipment thoroughly with clean water after use.

High Volume Gun Application: Ensure thorough coverage of all weeds using a No. 6 tip or similar at 1000-2000 kPa.

Mistblower: To control woody weeds use 40 ml/litre of water. For ULV attachment use 200 ml/litre of water using the No. 3 or 4 hole. Ensure thorough coverage.

Knapsack applications: When using a knapsack for broadcast application use at least 400 litres of spray mix/ha. For spot treatment ensure thorough coverage.

Lawnboy: Use 20 ml per 10 litre tank as a double pass application.

‘Carpet’ type Weed Wipers: For control of Californian thistle mix 250 ml VIVENDI 300 herbicide with 10 litres of water. Follow the rotary weed wiper manufacturer’s operating instructions to apply the herbicide mix.

Registered pursuant to the ACVM Act 1997, Approval No. P7197

5L & 20L Vivendi 300

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