Oxfen Dual Low Dose Oral Cattle Drench 10L


Oxfendazole, Levamisole, Cobalt, Copper, Iodine, Zinc and Selenium

SKU: N/A Category:


Active Constituents

Dose rate cattle: 1mL/10kg (equivilant to 45.3 g/L Oxfendazole, 80 g/L Levamisole HCI, 2mg/mL , Selenium 0.9mg/mL, Cobalt 0.2mg/mL, Copper 2mg/mL, Zinc 0.6mg/mL and Iodine 0.9mg/mL )

Ostertagia Ostertagi, Ostertagia leptospicularis, Trichostrongylus axei, Trichostrongylus Longispicularis, Cooperia oncophora, Cooperia punctata, Nematodirus, Helvetianus, Bunostomum phlebotomum, Capillaria bovis, Oesophagostomum radiatum, and Dictyocaulus viviparus

Oxfen Dual Low Dose Oral: also has residual activity that gives almost complete protection against larvae ingested up to 24 hours after dosing

Oxfen Dual Low Dose Oral: sterilises roundworm eggs, except those from Nematodirus spp.

  • Shake well before use
  • A ready-to-use concentrated oral combination drench that can be dosed through standard drenching equipment
  • May be used in young or pregnant animals at recommended dose rates
  • A representative sample of animals should be weighed before treatment
  • Do not underdose.  Correct drenching technique should be used. Check the accuracy of drench guns regularly.

DOSE RATE: 1ml per 10kg bodyweight – Over 600kg dose at the rate of 1mL/10kg

Bodyweight Dose Volume Doses per 10L
50kg 5ml 2000
100kg 10mL 1000
150kg 15mL 666
200kg 20mL 500
250kg 25mL 400
300kg 30mL 33
350kg 35mL 285
400kg 40mL 250
450kg 45mL 222
500kg 50mL 200


Note this drench is in a concentrated form.
Doses of 3 or more times those recommended can cause symptoms
of levamisole toxicity, so estimate live weights carefully.

Animals under stress due to advanced pregnancy, adverse weather conditions or poor nutrition, prolonged yarding or dehydration may be more susceptible to toxicity

Do not use at the same time as any other selenised fertilizer, prill or product without consulting a veterinarian

Fatal interactions may occur between levamisole and organophosphate dips.

Withholding Periods

MEAT: Cattle producing meat or offal for human consumption must not be sold for slaughter during or within 10 days of the last treatment.
MILK: Milk intended for sale for human consumption must be discarded during treatment and for not less than 35 days following the last treatment,

Registered pursuant to the ACVM Act 1997, No. A11863

Oxfen Dual Low Dose Oral Cattle Drench 10L

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